It is very important to be pretty. Never mind about your personality, or your grades, if you're pretty, your life is sorted. Everyone will like you. The above were the kinds of messages that I received as a young girl. Of course, I learnt pretty quickly that you needed to be more than looks to have a successful relationship with someone. Or successful anything really. Looks aren't going to get you through university, they aren't going to guarantee you employment or happiness. No matter how many sparkly tank tops with crude messages such as 'Caution: contents extremely hot' I wore circa 2004 I never quite hit the mark. I was young for my grade and definitely a late bloomer. I had acne, braces and didn't attract much attention anyway. I tried to be 'hot'. I failed. While it is embarrasing to look back at the things you used to wear, the majority of the clothes I wore as a teenager were due to the messages that I received. The kind of messa...