'It's a shame you have to do it that way... Are you sure the baby won't move?' Comments from strangers and relatives have left me convinced that the c section stigma is alive and kicking. Women are amazing. Our bodies can do amazing things. We can carry life that starts out the size of a poppy seed and then transforms into a full grown baby over 9 months. We put up with the nausea, the vomiting all because we choose to bring life into this world. We sacrifice our bodies. We sacrifice our vices all in favour of supporting human life. Before I delve any further into this topic I want to make a quick disclaimer, women who cannot have kids are no less women than those who can. We are so much more than what our uterus can and cannot do. Yet us women are always competing with each other aren't we? It's all in the subtle undertones, the hints that we give off. Childbirth and pregnancy is a natural wonder of nature. That doesn't mean that nature was kind...