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Showing posts from February, 2018

The C Section Stigma is real.

'It's a shame you have to do it that way... Are you sure the baby won't move?' Comments from strangers and relatives have left me convinced that the c section stigma is alive and kicking.  Women are amazing. Our bodies can do amazing things. We can carry life that starts out the size of a poppy seed and then transforms into a full grown baby over 9 months. We put up with the nausea, the vomiting all because we choose to bring life into this world. We sacrifice our bodies. We sacrifice our vices all in favour of supporting human life. Before I delve any further into this topic I want to make a quick disclaimer, women who cannot have kids are no less women than those who can. We are so much more than what our uterus can and cannot do. Yet us women are always competing with each other aren't we? It's all in the subtle undertones, the hints that we give off. Childbirth and pregnancy is a natural wonder of nature. That doesn't mean that nature was kind...

Gender neutral teacher causes controversy at high school

The teacher has used the title 'MX' (pronounced Mix) in lieu of Mr/Mrs and is causing outrage amongst parents.  Has Gender Neutrality gone too far? A teacher at a north western all boys Sydney high school has recently caused controversy with his notable gender neutrality stance. The north western area where the school is located is generally known for it's conservative political views. No doubt this gender neutral teacher stands out... but for all the wrong reasons.  Parents have complained that the teacher has used the title 'MX' in lieu of Mr/Mrs and is causing confusion amongst their boys. The teacher does not identify with being male or female and insists the students are to use 'gender neutral pro nouns'. Gender neutral pronouns include 'they, their, them'. This approach has been tried in some schools in the US with the gender neutral teachers forced to move on to a different school. Not everyone is accepting of the gender n...

Nice Girls Finish Last

Women, let me ask you this, ever found yourself in this common scenario? You are on public transport or lets just say you are at a bus stop, waiting for the next bus.  You have your headphones in. Then out of nowhere you get approached by a man. You feel your body tense up because you know what's coming. You can sense him sizing you up. He then approaches you and leers for a few seconds before the cliche lines start coming out: 'Excuse me......' You ignore him, hoping  that he will assume you cannot hear him as your headphones are in. Then he taps you on the shoulder. You reluctantly remove your headphones and turn to face him. 'I just wanted to let you know....  that you're really pretty' You give a timid giggle. No that's not the giggle of happiness. It's a giggle of awkwardness. He has actually just made you really uncomfortable. The reason he has made you feel that way is twofold. Firstly, you are in a public space. You feel confro...

9 Reasons Why I Don't Believe Tonya Harding

I recently went to see the movie 'I, Tonya' directed by Craig Gillepsie with Margot Robbie playing the disgraced US Olympian figure skater Tonya Harding. I highly recommend the movie. The actors were brilliant and ever since I saw it I have now become fascinated with what really went down in 1994. The true story is intriguing as you have the contrast between the two figure skaters, Nancy Kerrigan being the snow white, a beautiful, elegant and classy skater then you had Tonya. Tonya was a redneck/frizzy haired skater who did not fit the mold. Incidentally, it's probably worth noting that Nancy Kerrigan was not from a rich background herself but she appeared that way with her looks and elegant skating style. The movie unravels the snobby world of figure skating where it was not just enough to skate top form, but also to 'fit the image'. Something that Tonya struggles with throughout the movie. LaVona Harding (Tonya's mother) was a mouthy waitress. She pushed...

How the ‘Positive Body Image Movement’ Promotes Obesity in Women

No, sorry but obesity is not just another 'body size'.  For the most part, I support the positive body image movement. I believe that women are unique and do come in different shapes and sizes. Some women have broad shoulders, some women have big breasts. Some women have small breasts. Some women are pear shaped, some are slim and athletic. Point is, we are all different. The images that women are exposed to on a daily basis are photoshopped with thighs and waists trimmed. Stretch marks and cellulite covered. Having a positive body image in today's society is an uphill battle, even for healthy women. For a long time women were sold that being thin, tall, blonde and young was the 'ideal'. What is sold to women as 'flaws'  by the beauty industry are subjective. The beauty industry has made a lot of money off women's insecurities. They promise us magic creams to get rid of stretch marks, cellulite, how to lose weight fast. All based on the premise...