Youth are being sold the carrot of NSW’s strong economy, even though they fail to benefit from it.
At yesterday’s campaign launch Berejiklian announced that NSW can ‘have it all’. Speaking to the crowd, she boasted about the lowest unemployment rates in NSW..ever. Berejiklian has pledged to spend billions on schools, hospitals and infrastructure.
The carrot for voters?
NSW’s strong economy.
NSW’s strong economy is conducive the astronomical property boom that Sydney experienced. Sydney’s median house prices experienced an 86 per cent increase in the last 5 years. Stamp duty from property has contributed to the budget surplus. That surplus has been spent on infrastructure under Berejiklian and her predecessors, including the light rail project, West Connex and the demolishing of the ANZ stadium.
If you think that NSW will have never ending surpluses to spend in the coming years, you may be mistaken.
The spending spree will have to come to a halt. As there are some projected risks, including the cooling off of the property market (which we are now just starting to witness) and the rise of household debt. The property boom and favourable negative gearing may have benefited some investors and baby boomers looking at retirement.
There are some who failed to benefit from Sydney’s property boom..
Sydney’s youth are trapped in rental properties and are struggling to get healthy deposits together. Even if they manage to get a healthy deposit, they are faced with the prospect of taking out loans they cannot afford. And now, potentially loans they cannot escape, should they need to get out before house prices drop. Household debt is rising and wages are stagnant. While Berejiklian may have a sunny outlook, the fall is coming.
The assault on NSW’s youth (and by and large other parts of Australia) still continues as ‘lock out laws’ killed off a nightlife economy. Berejiklian may brag about the strength of the economy but an entire nightlife economy has disappeared into obsolescence under her government’s watch.
The third assault?
Her refusal to allow pill testing. In order to appease her party, she has refused to allow pill testing at music festivals. She also implemented heavy and onerous liquor licences that music festivals will now have to abide to.
She may have a strong conservative view on drug taking personally, but if she valued Australian youth then it should be implemented regardless of her personal convictions. Unfortunately, youth are not valued and miss out once again.
Berejiklian can brag about the lowest unemployment rates ever, but that would be overlooking the 10.2% of unemployed youth in NSW. Young Australians are becoming increasingly disenfranchised and ignored. They suffer from the highest rates of homelessness with 60% of homeless people being under the age of 35.
Youth are being sold the carrot of NSW’s strong economy, even though, they fail to benefit from the strong economy.
To engage young voters, Berejiklian will need to fix homelessness, unemployment rates and give a general regard to youth issues.
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