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Showing posts from December, 2018

Royals may be Britain's only hope

With Brexit plans on hold..Brits may have to cling to the monarch.  PM Theresa May was left holding the lower hand when she inherited the sticky Brexit problem. It was an ambitious and bold move by a member of parliament to seek leadership in a not-so-ideal political climate. But many leaders who have inherited less-than-ideal political situations have pushed through and been admired later on (even if it takes years to whittle out the bad policy memories). An example of this is George H.W Bush who inherited a deficit of $220 billion in 1983, he rose taxes and high income earners were hit the most, was it popular at the time? No. But did it reduce America's deficit in the long run? Yes. When John Howard implemented the GST, it was not popular but reduced debt, his decision to ban guns in Tasmania was not popular but appreciated in the long run. Even Julia Gillard's carbon tax is not viewed in a harsh light now that time has passed and there has been no other apparently success...

The trend for natural is overrated.

Mothers who originally choose to get a c section are often convinced to do it the natural way, as in counselled out of it. Grown women are not even trusted to make decisions with their own bodies (sound familiar? see -abortion laws). I'm in that 30 something stage of life where the majority of my peers are married, popping out kids while some are travelling the world or working in amazing careers. My instagram account is flooded with everything natural, natural foods, natural childbirth (though not in graphic detail-thankfully), natural breast feeding. Natural medicine. Natural mineral make up. I had recently congratulated a friend of mine as his wife had just had a baby three days before. He was super stoked and of course very proud of his wife and newborn. 'I'm so proud, she gave birth naturally with a 24 hour labour, without any drugs at all' he quipped. 'They offered to induce her and give her an epidural but she refused'. Another friend had a simi...