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Showing posts from July, 2018

How Facebook has got us all at ransom.

After the privacy scandal of facebook. I admit that I am still an amid user. Not through any real choice of my own but by the simple fact that facebook has way too much  inappropriate photos evidence against me. Before my generation,  photographs were much less accessible. You needed an actual camera (not just one attached to your phone). You would then have to print them out at a one hour photo specialised store. When I hit my early 20s photos were easily accessible and quickly posted online. Often at a time when my judgment had left me. Thank you, alcohol. Thank you, youth. Facebook has started to change it's public image from data stealing to privacy aware. It is also trying to play to our nostaglic side by enabling a section called 'memories'. After clicking on this memories section, I am bombarded by photos of my university days. Pictures of my face looking supple and fuller. I don't mind that. I know I'm destined to get older. We all are. I just don...